How long do you need to plan for...or how long will you live?

Financial Advisor reviewing retirement plan with clients

People are living longer today than any other generation, yet the possibility of outliving ones’ assets can be a fearful reality. Here’s why understanding the realities of your retirement plan is more important now than ever.


East coast Assante advisors are putting the fun back into charitable giving

David Jones and Chris Rafuse Financial Advisor of Assante Hydrostone at Motionball Gala

With approximately $150,000 raised in 2017 so far, these Assante advisors show how partnering with Special Olympic athletes can help to engage a new generation of gift givers in Canada.


The Beacon Group of Assante’s Illumin8 concert series puts a spotlight on the Calgary jazz scene

The Beacon Group of Assante are title sponsors of the JazzYYC Illumin8 Series

The Beacon Group of Assante Financial Management Ltd. is bringing jazz musicians and enthusiasts together to promote a growing musical community in Calgary with JazzYYC’s Illumin8 concert series.


Seniors beware: How to avoid fraud

Fraud prevention for seniors

The doorbell rings and an uninvited contractor tells the homeowner a repair is needed urgently and a payment is needed up front. Seniors are frequently targets for scams like these – they’re often home during the day and may be more trusting. Here are five popular scams to watch out for. 


How to help adult children financially

Adult children helping out parents at home

Adult children are having a hard time financiallu. Work has become more precarious, wages have stagnated and housing prices continue to rise. Here's how you can help your children.


How to teach your children about investing - with a TFSA

Grandparent teaching grandchild important money management skills

Your child must be at least 18 to open a TFSA, but even then, they may not have the resources to make a contribution. Here's a way to teach your child about the basics on investing.


Saving for your kids’ education? It may cost more than you think

Parent and child playing fun activities together

For the 2016/2017 academic year, the average undergrad tuition in Canada was $6,373. But undergrads in dentistry paid $21,012; in medicine, $13,858; and in law, $11,385. The bottom line is that you may want to increase your savings target. Here are four strategies to help.


Keeping investment goals on track

Financial advisor meeting with clients about their investment goals

Many people share a few common concerns about retirement planning – the whims of the markets, longer life expectancies, or simply wishing to have enough to live comfortably in the future. With all that in mind, where can you find an extra boost to help you reach your retirement savings goal?


Solving the spending versus saving dilemma

Couple reviewing finances and paper work.jpg

The most difficult dilemmas to solve are those with a strong rational and emotional case for either choice. That certainly applies to deciding between spending and saving, especially if the saving is for retirement. Is it okay to spend that money now? Or is now the time to invest those dollars and beef up your retirement savings?


Proposed tax measures of Canadian private corporations: How they could impact you – Summary now available

mesure fiscales proposees

This quarter, our wealth planning focus was on Finance’s proposed changes to the taxation of private corporations. We also heard from Peter Hofstra, Senior Portfolio Manager of Harbour Advisors on their Canadian Equity Value Pool.



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