All in the family

Multigeneration family celebrating birthday

When a family member is struggling with a financial issue – perhaps your parents or in-laws, or an adult child – do you ever wonder if you can ask us for advice? The answer is yes.


Assante branch raises $41,500 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Fraser Valley

Golf for Kids Sake Assante Abbotsford

Assante Abbotsford raised $41,500 in its 15th year as premier sponsor of the Big Brothers Big Sisters Golf for Kids’ Sake tournament.


How much should you help your children?

Mother and daughter reading book

There's no definitive approach to helping your children financially. Here are some ways you can support your children and help them learn valuable life skills about money.


Tax-smart gifts to grandchildren

Grandparents and granddaughter walking in park

Giving a cash gift now to your grandchild brings the satisfaction of seeing your gift make a difference. It can also bring financial benefits. Here’s what you need to know.


Money tips for you and your teens

Family portrait

When your children enter their teens, life changes in many ways — including your financial life. Here’s a look at some of the major financial planning themes that arise as you navigate their teenage years.


Assante sponsored golf tournament raises $57,000 for Make-A-Wish Atlantic Provinces

Chris Ball at Make-A-Wish Charity Golf Classic Halifax

This Assante advisor and his branch raised enough funds at their annual Charity Golf Classic to fulfill the wishes of four children facing life-threatening medical conditions.


Senior fraud alert

Senior adults using tablet

Fraud is one of the most widespread crimes against seniors in Canada. Here’s a look at some of today’s most popular scams, which have cost seniors anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars apiece.


Are your investments in step with your evolving life?

Mother and father playing with child

When your goals or life situation changes, your portfolio may need to change too. Here are three illustrations of how we might adjust your portfolio as your life changes.


RESP: Important estate planning tips

African American grandmother reading with grandson

If you have set up and contributed to an RESP for one or more of your children or grandchildren, you’ve done some valuable planning for their future education. But your planning could unravel if you do not also address what is to happen with the RESP when you die.


Your investor personality: Keys to lifelong financial planning

Business people meeting and using tablet at coffee shop

Investor personality – essentially, your tolerance to risk – is critical in determining your asset allocation when establishing your portfolio. Here are three examples of how investor personality affects investment management decisions.



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