Invest wisely and sleep well at night

Two women at flower shop

If you want to sleep well even when markets are volatile, you must invest according to your own risk tolerance. It’s one of the most important factors in investing.


Factor the new longevity into your financial plans

Couple reviewing document

According to Statistics Canada, a Canadian male aged 65 is expected to live to 84 and a female to age 87. Here are some of the financial planning areas affected by the new longevity.


Powers of attorney: Tips and traps

Happy couple reviewing documents on tablet

This quarter, our wealth planning focus was on important things to consider in preparing powers of attorney. We also heard from John Hock, Chief Investment Officer of Altrinsic Global Advisors for the International Equity Value Pool.


Simplify your financial life

Couple walking in the park

Scattered investments are troublesome to manage, and the lack of coordination can make it harder to reach your investment objectives. Here are five reasons you may want to consolidate your investments.


Minimizing taxation of estate assets

Retired couple on beach

Of the G7 nations, Canada is the only one without an estate tax. But the federal government still has its ways of collecting tax when someone passes. There are ways to minimize the amount of tax payable by an estate. Here are some of the more common strategies.


Is there a potential beneficiary lottery in your estate planning?

Senior couple planning retirement

You and your spouse have been putting it off but you decide it’s finally time to get your wills and estate planning in order. Here’s what you need to know.


Legacy planning: Using life insurance to enhance your charitable giving

Woman's hand placing coin into piggy bank

Understanding your personal and charitable goals and objectives is the key to making sure your legacy plans are integrated with your overall planning.


Protect your nest egg

Nest egg

Any investor at any age is only one injury, illness or medical condition away from having their nest egg at risk. Here’s how your insurance program can protect your nest egg and help you meet your needs.


Captain’s Tournament raises $139,000 with help from Assante Québec

Assante Dorval President Peter Pomponio and Max Pacioretty

Peter Pomponio, along with advisors and clients from Québec, helped raise $139,000 towards sport for the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation and an fMRI machine for the Montreal General Hospital.


Transitioning the family business

Father and daughter working together

As baby boomers head toward retirement, many will be faced with selling or transferring a family business. Are you prepared?



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