Does the 'latte factor' really work?

Cup of coffee in women's hand

According to the “latte factor” theory, you give up your daily fancy coffee or similar indulgence and invest the money you would’ve spent. Over time, your small sacrifice becomes a small fortune. But does it work in practice?


Legacy planning: A key component for all Canadians

Grandparents with granddaughter on smartphone

This quarter, our wealth planning focus was on the importance of incorporating a legacy into your overall plan. We also heard from Robert Swanson, Principal & Chief Market Strategist of Cambridge Global Asset Management on the International Equity Growth Pool.


For peace of mind, your investment strategy reflects your time horizon

Couple reviewing documents on tablet

Your time horizon is the time period chosen until you plan to access all or the majority of the funds you’ve invested. It’s a critical part of your investment strategy because our goal is to help make sure your money is there when you need it.


An overview of the modified tax changes affecting private corporations

Two business people working on digital tablet

On February 27, 2018, the federal government tabled its much-anticipated 2018 budget. The budget put to rest much of the uncertainty regarding proposed changes to the taxation of private corporations, initially released for consultation on July 18, 2017.


Assante launches its new Charitable Giving Program

Charitable Giving

Our new Charitable Giving Program aims to incorporate philanthropy into our clients’ wealth plans. Here’s what you need to know.


Huron Shores Financial Group races to support youth in the community

Mud slide at Assante Dirty Dash 2018

Through mud, rain and obstacles, Huron Shores Financial Group battled it out to raise funds for Rebound and the programs it provides to young people and families in Sarnia.


How do you react to the market cycle?

Stressed investor

Reality has a strange way of not always jibing with our expectations. Believe it or not, the same thing can happen when investing. Here are three possible outcomes and how we might adjust your portfolio as a result.


Should you open the bank of Mom and Dad?

Mother with adult son

When it comes to helping children financially, there are no financial planning rules to follow. What works perfectly for one family might be unthinkable for another. There are, however, important factors to consider, which can guide you in making a decision.


Wondering about investing in Bitcoin?

Cryptocurrency are they good investment

Welcome to the world of cryptocurrency, where millions have been made and fortunes lost. Here’s what you need to know.


Should you and your spouse retire at the same time?

Retired couple on beach

If you and your spouse are thinking of retiring at the same time, there are pros and cons to consider, especially if one spouse makes a sacrifice to line up retirement dates. Here’s what you need to know.



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