Tax Planning

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A wise person once said, it’s not what you make it, it’s what you keep. Tax planning is a vital component to every financial plan. According to a recent study conducted by a Vancouver based think tank, Canadians pay an alarming 42.5% of their income to taxes per year. This includes income taxes, property taxes, HST etc. This figure only increases as income increases, meaning the more money that is earned by an individual, the more taxes are paid on every dollar. Finding solutions to reduce the amount of these taxes paid to the Government and kept in the portfolios of our clients can substantially preserve their net worth over their lifetime and as it is passed on to the next generation. By collaborating with tax professionals and experts in the areas of taxation from our wealth planning group we ensure that our clients have a thorough and effective tax strategy specific to their objectives and within the boundaries of our income tax act. Permanent life insurance solutions, corporate class investing and corporate tax analysis are some of the ways we achieve this, especially for high net worth families and business owners.