Claiming home office expenses

Home office

Did you work from home instead of at your office during the pandemic? Find out about claiming home office expenses on your 2020 tax return.


When should you start CPP/QPP and OAS benefits?

Black married couple

Find out why some retirees choose to begin government benefits early, some start at 65 and others start at 70. Then see if you lean toward any one of these options.


The pandemic and the piggy bank

Pink Piggy Bank surrounded by masks

When it comes to savings, COVID-19 has created two different groups of Canadians. Which group are you in?


Ways to use a TFSA in retirement

Elderly couple walking

When saving for the future, a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) can help fund education, a vacation, your nest egg, anything. Did you also know a TFSA is equally versatile in retirement?


Tony Di Gennaro

Jack Yuan

Cheryl Burton

Gord Schakelaar

Tony DiGennaro

Jack Yuan


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